Welcome to Purple Pen of Power!
Are you struggling with classroom management? Do you begin the year strong, but then run out of energy to keep your students on task? Do you need encouragement to be diligent about practices you have already put in place? Or maybe you could just use some fresh ideas. Whatever your situation, I am glad that we found each other!
Teaching is my passion! I have been in public, private and home school class rooms for the past 30 years. In this blog, you will find articles featuring reflections of my years as a middle and high school science teacher, methods for classroom management, encouragement for the weary teacher, and some specific tips for Science instruction – including some of my favorite labs!
I hope you find encouragement and enjoyment that spurs you on to be the best you can be! I hope that you will be inspired by some of my ideas. Please feel free to do what teachers do best with ideas: steal them, tweak them and then make them your own! I am sure you are brimming with ideas, too. Therefore, I would love to hear from you! Let me know how I can help you, how I can improve this site, or share an idea with me. (although be advised, I will steal it, tweak it and then claim it as my own!)
My goal is to help empower you to inspire your students as we travel this teaching road together.
So pour yourself a cup of coffee and sit down with me and we will share some ideas and hopefully share a few laughs in the process.

What’s up with the name?
Why is my blog called “The Purple Pen of Power”? My students will understand this name immediately, but let me shed some light on this for the rest of you.
I always grade in purple. I write my notes on the whiteboard predominately in purple. When I have a lab assistant who does any grading for me, I have them participate in a ceremony. They put their left hand on the purple pen and raise their right hand (similar to a swearing in ceremony). They promise to uphold the standards set before them and to always grade with integrity and honesty, giving the benefit of the doubt where possible. This ritual always ends with them saying, “I accept the responsibility of the purple pen of power”! This always brings a great deal of laughter, but it also lets my students know the high standard which I will be using to grade their work. Although it is a lighter moment in my classroom, there is, of course, a deeper meaning. As teachers, we have an incredible responsibility. We are tasked with imparting important information to our students, as well as demonstrating life skills that they will use indefinitely. We introduce them to topics that may inspire them to change the direction of their future career or give them an interest that will continue to be a part of their lives long after they graduate.
Understanding the power with which I have been entrusted is a responsibility that I do not take lightly. I strive to continually better myself and my teaching skills so that I may be a light in my classroom. I also strive to model godly behavior and conduct myself with equity and honesty. If I make a mistake, I know I should model mistake making. When dealing with a difficult student or circumstance, I know I should model patience and peacemaking. Our students are looking at much more than just what is in our lesson plans. My purple pen is a constant reminder of this responsibility.